February 11, 2025
Education & Career

5 Math Technology Tools to Engage Students


Engaging students with math is not an easy job because it is a fairly difficult subject as compared to other theoretical ones. Teaching students difficult concepts like solving slope calculations is not an easy job which is why it is important that students take help from digital tools for better understanding and engagement. Today teachers and students have free access to online tools like slope calculator which can help them learn different concepts. In this post we have listed the best five math technology tools to engage students.

Sum Dog

This is a very famous and most importantly scientifically proven digital learning tool for math. If you have students who are weak in math and find math a boring subject then you need to try this tool. This utility is very easy to use and can help students increase their math learning skills. On this tool students can get mini lessons that are also very interesting. One can easily learn difficult concepts like to find the slop of a line or solving integrals. Teachers can use the already available lessons or they can also customize lessons according to the requirements of the classroom.

Haiku Deck

This is another online tool that is specifically built for students. With this tool teachers can easily prepare math lessons for free. Students today have become tired of taking traditional classes as they are not at all engaging. If you want to keep a student engaged with the lesson then you need to create unique and attractive visually attractive lessons. Presentations related to math can easily be made in which one can easily show difficult concepts. Teachers can easily teach students new concepts like using the digital slope finder aka slope calculator tools.


This is another powerful tool that can help teachers create engaging math lessons. Creating formative lessons and assignments related to math is not an easy job which is why we suggest teachers to use this tool. The best part about this tool is that teachers can have the digital participation of the entire classroom with it. So if one has to teach difficult concepts like using a slope from two points calculator then the teacher can easily prepare a lecture for all the class.

Happy Numbers

This is a website cum tool that is basically a paid platform where students can learn math concepts of all sorts. If you feel like you are weak in high order math equations then you need to try out happy numbers. From learning how to use slop calculator to find the slop of the equation to find difficult differentiation questions one can easily learn a lot here. This platform is best for young as well as adult students.


This is another website tool which can help make mathematical problems easy for students. With this tool one can enjoy interactive math activities like calculating slopes and graphs on the virtual screens. You can also learn to use modern calculation tools like the slop equation calculators, significant calculators and many others.

Thanks to these modern tools math learning can be fun and quite engaging experience for both students and teachers. An important thing you need to know is that today you also have access to modern calculation tools like the slope calculator which can help you solve difficult questions in less than a minute.