February 23, 2025

How cruelties in marriages suppress fundamental rights of Indian constitution in India-?

cruelties in marriages

Cruelty in marriages can have a significant impact on the fundamental rights of individuals in India as guaranteed by the Indian Constitution. The Indian Penal Code (IPC) defines cruelty as any willful conduct that is of such a nature as is likely to drive the other party to commit suicide or to cause grave injury or danger to life, limb or health (whether mental or physical) of the other party. Advocate Neha Batra has been dealing and handling cases related to cruelty in marriages.

Cruelty in marriages can take many forms, including physical, emotional, and financial abuse. Physical abuse can include physical violence, sexual abuse, and even threats of violence. Emotional abuse can include verbal abuse, isolation, and manipulation. Financial abuse can include withholding money, controlling access to financial resources, and preventing the other party from working.

Cruelty in marriages can also lead to the violation of several fundamental rights guaranteed by the Indian Constitution, including the right to life and personal liberty, the right to freedom, and the right to equality. For example, physical abuse can lead to serious injury or even death, while emotional and financial abuse can lead to severe mental anguish and financial hardship.

Cruelty in marriages can also have a negative impact on the rights of children, as they may be exposed to abusive behavior and can suffer mental and emotional trauma as a result. Moreover, in many cases, women are the primary victims of cruelty in marriages, which can lead to the violation of their rights to equality, education, and work.

The Indian government has taken some steps to address the issue of cruelty in marriages, including the implementation of laws such as the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act 2005 and the Criminal Law (Amendment) Act 2013, which provide for the protection of women and children from domestic violence and harsher penalties for domestic violence offenses. However, the implementation of these laws has been inconsistent and many victims continue to face difficulties in accessing justice.

In conclusion, cruelty in marriages can have a significant impact on the fundamental rights of individuals in India, including the right to life and personal liberty, the right to freedom, and the right to equality. The Indian government has implemented laws to address the issue of cruelty in marriages, but the implementation of these laws has been inconsistent, and many victims continue to face difficulties in accessing justice. Therefore, it’s crucial to continue the efforts to raise awareness and provide support for victims of cruelty in marriages, to ensure that their rights are protected and upheld.